Sunday, March 4, 2012

God's divine plan on my barrenness

On sat morning, despite sleeping at 3am just a few hours ago, I woke up startled. My instinct told me to pick up my phone and check my email. And there it was, an email from one of my dearest friend in the world, Y, on her exciting embarkment in motherhood.

And in my email back to her, I communicated to her my most genuine best wishes. At the same time, I apologize for I was not able to be selflessly and wholeheartedly happy for her. The truth is, since my miscarriage, I have struggled. Struggled to fully appreciate the wonderful gifts He has given to me, apart from having children. Battled to keep positive and hopeful despite the monthly futile attempts. With patience quickly running out, I gradually felt ignored and unloved by Him.

I am without doubt, convinced of His love for us, but while the heart is willing, the mind is weak. I could not fathom the reason even as I know the reason was not for me to comprehend. And so, every month, I battle hard with my own voice in my head, trying to steer from self-pity and turn my eyes on Him instead and each time I failed mightily as I sobbed hard in Yong's arms.

But even as I indulged in the little sad world I built, something was happening. Yong was slowly opening his heart to Our Lord. Despite my earlier outbursts at his seemingly nonchalant attitude to Christ, he plodders on, slow and steady, in figuring out the unfamiliar world of Christianity. And to my surprise, after my ranting at Our Heavenly Father on his silence on our barrenness, Yong spoke for the first time about Him. In his quiet simple ways, he explained.

He told me that this little gate in his heart has been opened recently and he is now willing to know Him. And from the little he heard from me, Sunday church and bible study sessions, he understands that we are the sons and daughters of Our Heavenly Father, therefore, he would answer our prayers. While he does not know how it will be done, he thinks it is not for us to worry. He simply believes Our Father is listening and caring and all we need to do is to hold on to our faith.

My jaw dropped. Despite my one book per week reading speed, despite my bulldozer ways and hunger to know His Words, Yong's much shorter and brief understanding of His Words is far more profound than mine. My tears welled up again when Yong went on to say that he believes everything God plans and allows must have good purposes and reasons, liked how our miscarriage may have brought me closer to God and him to begin knowing Him.

And all through yesterday and today, God spoke to me. Through the newspapers (I don't normally read ST) article about parents whose children suffer from rare diseases. Through the christian bookshop I mindlessly entered, in which I found a book that was what I needed. Through today service which every single word my pastor uttered was what I needed to hear. I was a silly mess of tears and mucus by the end of the service. And yet I never felt better as Yong stood with me, taking communion together for the first time.

I, a mere mortal, can never understand God's way and plan. But I am beginning to grasp that while God can magically grant us our every wish, it may not be the best thing for us. It robs us of the opportunity to learn, experience and be truly marveled of His Glory. It is going to be so hard to keep my faith and my eyes on Him but now I have a wonderful partner with me in this life long journey to experience His Glory. And how gloriously wonderful is that!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shoes-spired #3

My current most comfortable heels that is versatile enough to bring me from the boardroom to a wedding. I was so crazy over the khaki-cream color combi that I realized that I had no black colored shoes in quite a while. Trying to space out the frequency of wear so this can remain newish looking for a long time.

Was chatting with Z on my obsession of red lips lately and she asked if I have any photos to show. Took the opportunity to do so during a recent wedding.

Pazzion shoes from Wisma

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Li Chun Eggs!

We tried our hands on "egg of Li chun" after seeing some successful attempts by friends on FB. Can't resist putting commentaries along with the pictures.. hehe..

Genesis 2:7
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Genesis 2:18
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Genesis 2:23-24
The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman', for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My precious.... *in Gollum voice*

I · · WANT  · · THIS  · ·RING  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

YSL Arty Ring, Source

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Shoes-spired #2

Obsessed with white covered flats. My go to shoes for Friday smart casual dress code at work. Got it at a steal from sis-in-law US trip. Thinking of joining them for their next yearly pilgrimage and bring back half of the factory outlets :)_

White flats from Tods US

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Huat ah!

Had a fabulous CNY feasting and catching up with relatives! Wishing everyone a wonderful Dragon year ahead! HUAT AH!

WIth colleagues showing off our huat huat pedicures

Thursday, January 5, 2012


My latest youtube guru/blog obsession: Chriselle Lim. Got to know about her from Michelle Phan's youtube video, subscribed to her channel and never looked back. Her videos are well directed, well made and full of dress up tips that are so easy to follow. Her latest post "Shoe-flections" which is about her past year of shoes adventure inspired this post.

I have an embarrassingly small collection of shoes (small enough for a guy friend to comment on that, and he is not gay) and after complaining EVERY morning to Yong that I need more shoes, I went out to buy four pairs. That will last me a good half year I supposed (my last shoes purchase was half year ago!). This purchase would almost doubled my shoes collection - so do your math! hehe.. The saving grace is that I love every single pair. So let my gushing begin....

First up, my lovely leopard print shoes that I have been careful not to wear too often in case it gets worn out fast. Super comfortable. Super sexy. And easy to match my recent khaki + white clothes craze. And most importantly - goes with my latest bag splurge. \^__^/

Leopard print shoes from Nine West HK

Miss you baby

Miss you so much baby. Yesterday after dinner, Mummy was suddenly emotional about your loss and turned to your dad for comfort. I held him in a tight embrace and whispered into his ear that I miss you so much. And we hugged for a long time just thinking about you. Mummy just liked you to know that you are missed every seconds of our lives. Love you, baby.

About This Blog

The place to pen down my Journey of becoming, correction, Being a Mrs.

The ups and downs of building a home together with my loving half.

A venue to indulge in my thoughts which otherwise will bore some poor friend to death.

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