Friday, May 28, 2010

Wedding AD - the fashion

First set of photos.. the FASHION...

I mentioned earlier that my Jie Meis went through the trouble in getting the same fabric to tailor different designs for the morning event. It was challenging at times with one of the jie mei in UK but we got around it. There was some unhappiness with some of the dresses that were not that well made.. but I felt they looked really pretty (as always :P) but they were BEAUTIFUL at night in their cheong sums and hair and make up! I had so many comments from friends asking about the chio Jie meis.. I teared abit when I saw them in their cheong sum get up. The stylist did a GREAT job and their hair and make up were sooo Shanghai themed! I was overwhelmed with emotions on how much effort they put in for this and how amazingly beautiful they are.

The brothers were given dress code of pink shirts and we bought them the ties from my dearest friend Eric's shop - Roff at The Cathy. For those who needs good quality yet mid-priced ties do go to his shop to have a look. Really nice stuff there.

Again, brothers were given dress code of plain shirt and dark pants for the dinner. With "props" liked suspenders and page boy caps. They were a hit!

Now my dress... the main wedding gown...Thomas took really good shots of the details..

Dang's signature cheong sum lovingly made from scratch.. with layers and layers of lace.. She tightened the cheongsum just a few days before the wedding day and man, that really made a difference.

Some shots friends took of me which I think were good shots of the dresses. For those who are contemplating Dang Bridal.. these are for you... ....


Okay, I confess, the second photo is just a good shot of ME (must be the lighting).. hehe.. hey, I am not photogenic so it is not always I chance upon a good shot of myself........ :P

Next up: More Fashion to come....


About This Blog

The place to pen down my Journey of becoming, correction, Being a Mrs.

The ups and downs of building a home together with my loving half.

A venue to indulge in my thoughts which otherwise will bore some poor friend to death.

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