Thursday, October 21, 2010

It has been a crazy crazy month. There was the wedding. Then the mad rush to come back for the funeral. 3 different continents in 5 days. Probably spent as much time in the airport and plane as on the ground in that single week. Loads of tears. Ironically, both happy and sad.

Then insanely Busy busy busy work weeks. And now preparing for yet another trip on Sunday. Gosh, I feel liked a year has passed through October already. Strangely, instead of feeling flat out, I am feeling more alive and energized than ever. Praise the lord for his grace. 

Oh, and a marriage proposal managed to find its way into the happenings. And I had a really funny episode with my girls, for we were all dumbfounded when asked what kind of diamonds the recipient would like. Liked myself, all my gals can’t care less for the sparkles and were completely clueless on the technicalities. Needless to say, the poor guy was pushed to Yong for diamond consultation. 

We did eventually get a sense of what rings the single gals would prefer but in my wise mum’s words “who goes around with a  magnifying glass asking the details about the diamonds!?" Love my mum and her one-liners.

And talking about sparkles… I have been thinking of getting new bag for the longest time. My Coccinelle has and is still serving me well. (lovely bag really, have to give it to the Italian for their leather bags) but it has been 4 long years. And it is certainly HIGH time for some change. 

Got this from my flying fiasco week. I bought it on impulse and upon knowing the prices back home, my jaw dropped. Moral of the story: Stock up on your Mulberry when at Heathrow Airport.

Presenting my darling Gunmetal Sparkle Tweed OS Alexa.... *drum roll*

Love Love Love...


Z October 22, 2010 at 8:05 AM  

Great choice babe! Love the Alexa very much :)

About This Blog

The place to pen down my Journey of becoming, correction, Being a Mrs.

The ups and downs of building a home together with my loving half.

A venue to indulge in my thoughts which otherwise will bore some poor friend to death.

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