Saturday, January 2, 2010

Quilt project for little Carl Matthew De Roza

At the early morning of 1st Jan I was still frantically sewing the hems for the quilt specially made for Carl Matthew De Roza's 1st month birthday which would happened in just a few hours. It was a project which I roped in 3 other good friends to do up for Pink's 1st born.

Took about 3 weeks to finish the project which includes blood, sweat and thankfully no tears. It has been more than 10 years since I last handled a sewing machine hence it was really unnerving at first, trying to learn how to thread the machine, fill up the bobbin, control the cloth and pedal at the same time.... My teacher Rosie from Dream n Quilt was really patient and the aunties who are all advanced quilter taking classes as well, had only kind words for my nervous attempt on the baby quilt.

Rosie gave me the great idea of doing an alphabet quilt for the baby. The first stage was fun, cutting out the alphabets, ironing them the squares and blanket stitching them on. Roped in Xiaolin, Sharon and Jessica to help out on the stitching. All in their own stitching style, completed their assignment promptly in 2 weeks.

I then sewed on the squares together and next, the daunting task of selecting the borders. After much contemplating, I choose the lighter blue border to bring out the nice navy blue letters. (pix on the bottom right)

 Sewed on the border.......

Join the stuffing and cut them to the same size as the quilt.....

Make the sandwich: Quilt + Stuffing + Backing and quilt them together....

Doing the hemming was fun! Brought back memories of home economics class. And since it was the last step of the quilting project it was exhilarating to see it hide all the loose threads and how the quilt slowly formed up. Esp love doing the corners cos it looks so pro!

The must take pix with the completed quilt...

Rosie my quilting master...

Love this candid shot of De Roza family and the quilt...

And this ends the little project of the little quilt.. One of my girlfriend keeps telling me that I HAVE to do one for my kid next time cos it is only fair.. but frankly.. this project was more of a whim of the moment. Sudden inspiration to do so. Not sure if I will do that again. But the satisfaction of seeing the completed quilt and Pink's smile when she realized the quilt was handmade was in true mastercard slogan - priceless. So maybe... when inspiration strikes again, I shall embark on another quilting project. :)


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The place to pen down my Journey of becoming, correction, Being a Mrs.

The ups and downs of building a home together with my loving half.

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