Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My new 21.5" iMac - Awww... my new love

Two weeks ago, my faithful Fujitsu S series laptop refused to boot up after slogging for a grand 7 years. It had been on life support (battery pack died) since ... 4 years ago? But I refused to let up and continued to squeeze as much as I can from the poor fellow.

Had been preparing for its death for quite a while already. Backing up stuff in my hard disk every few months so I don't get a heart attack when he finally goes. Nonetheless, the blank black screen and sound of its rebooting (futile) attempts still shocked me a little as I struggled to accept its defeat.

That little nostalgia quickly gave way as I had been (re x1000)reading the newsletter Apple sent on their latest iMac launch. I pulled Yong down to Parkway Juzz shop and to our disappointment, it was not out yet. We looked wistfully at the empty space on the tables in anticipation of the great 27" new iMac.

27" or 21.5"? That question lingered on for a few days and we decided that we will stick to the smaller sized iMac. It is already a HUGE size upgrade from my modest 13" fujitsu though I have to say Apple played the price game VERY well. 21.5" is at $1788nett, add another $500, you get the 27", add another $300 you get the quad core. I love and hate you Apple!

Anyhow, it was a good choice. My neck felt sore after the first night with my white baby (that sounds Sooo wrong) as I had to move my head up and down, left and right to view the content on the gigantic screen. Had to push the desktop to the edge of the table, against the wall so I can view it more comfortably. Guess for 27" I had to move my chair to the other end of the room in order to surf the net?

I just had to take down the moments I opened up the jeweled box, revealing my precious. My mum helped to lift the desktop out of the box and I just loved it when she stared at the empty box and said "that is all???" The magic of iMac. Simplicity.

3 steps set up. Easy as ABC. (I got the Juzz guys to install everything for me first including iWorks)

Step 1: Open the box

Step 2: Marvel at the content for a while before taking it out carefully. Helper advised.

Step 3: Plug in the powerpoint.

Ta-da.... My working iMac!

The wireless keyboard and much talked about Magic mouse.
Both yummy looking and function seamlessly with iMac. Connect using Bluetooth automatically. Just remember to switch off battery for BOTH keyboard and mouse. I switched off the mouse but not the keyboard and after a week, the low battery sign is blinking everyday.

That is it for my little post on my iMac. I have yet to explore the iMac except for iPhotos. And I am already squealing oohs and ahhs... can't wait to get to other applications. Love love love....


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The place to pen down my Journey of becoming, correction, Being a Mrs.

The ups and downs of building a home together with my loving half.

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